Two weekends ago my BFF -Texas style came out to California. Melanie flew in on thursday & left on Sunday, just enough time to get into a little trouble in San Francisco! I left early from work to pick her up a Oakland airport, because we were staying in Pleasanton for the weekend. Here's how the weekend began:
Mel: I've landed, are you close?
Shel: Yeah, about 1 hour. I'll call when I get there.
45 min later... (have you seen me drive?)
Shel: Okay, I'm here. Man this weather sucks (pouring rain outside). Are you outside?
Mel: I'm in Terminal 1, pick me up there...
Shel: Terminal 1? There aren't any terminal numbers here?
Mel: There aren't?
Shel: No, it's pretty small. Are you outside?
Mel: I'm looking for you. Where are you?
Shel: What do you mean? I'm right outside the terminal...
Mel: No, I mean where am I?
Shel: Huh?
Mel: Are you in San Francisco?
Shel: No. I'm in Oakland...didn't you book your flight here?
Mel: (mumbling in backgound) Uhhhh, I'm in San Francisco.
Shel: I'm sorry...what?
Mel: They lost my reservation, it must have changed when I rebooked. Oops! Sorry.
Luckily Mel & I are pretty laid back in regards to vacations. We just drifted from thing to thing...no set schedule. It was great! It was so fun hanging out with Mel again, in spite of the nasty weather. We spent a VERY productive day in San Fran (maybe a little too productive...) and then puttered the rest of the weekend. 3 movies and one very bizarre manicure later we were feeling pretty relaxed.
I took her to several "California" restaurants, and an old Texas favorite or two (yum, Cheesecake!), while taking in the San Fancisco "scene". We thought the transvestite on the BART was pretty interesting, until the rapper got on...dancin' & cussin' in the seat right next to us. Mel yells, "Sombody get me off of this train!"...she obviously did not grow up in gang country! :) Luv' ya girl...always making life fun!
I'm cracking up reading this! That was a great weekend!
It sounds like you guys had a great time. I wish I could have been there.
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