Well, we finally did it...we found a house! I could tell you about all of the drama surrounding the purchase of this particular house, but let's just say it's done. Moving on. Or, should I say moving in?
Here is the link to the MLS for the house: http://www.realtyconcepts.com/Nav.aspx/Page=http://fresnomls.rapmls.com%2fscripts%2fmgrqispi.dll%3fAPPNAME%3dFresno%26PRGNAME%3dMLSLogin%26ARGUMENT%3dBlpFQsEvNh2L4dzmHvaUKQ%253D%253D
Here is the link to the MLS for the house: http://www.realtyconcepts.com/Nav.aspx/Page=http://fresnomls.rapmls.com%2fscripts%2fmgrqispi.dll%3fAPPNAME%3dFresno%26PRGNAME%3dMLSLogin%26ARGUMENT%3dBlpFQsEvNh2L4dzmHvaUKQ%253D%253D
Suffice it to say, it's currently a pit of rotting carpets & dated fixtures...but it's our pit. We found a foreclosure in a very nice neighborhood, 2650 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, living & family rooms, dining room & large bonus room. Oh yeah...and a pool. Did I ever mention that I don't like owning a pool? I don't like owning a pool. There...I said it. But, it's part of the fabulous foreclosure deal that we got, and hopefully I will come to enjoy it. We like our schools, not sure about our ward (the reviews are mixed), and the lot is 10,500 sq. ft.
There is so much to be done to it, but I suppose I have the rest of my life for that. Take a peek & tell me what you think...I'm hoping to send out really good before & after pictures some day.
Congrats on finding a house! I'm sure it will work out great. What ward will you be in and what schools? Just curious...
The school is Starr, and the ward is Valentine...they meet in the Maroa Building. Apparently it's become an old ward...no young couples. I guess we'll see.
YEAH! I sure that it will be so nice to have your own house again, and feel like you are settled. Congratulation!
ps - I have loved my pool! It was so nice this summer to take the kids out a swim for an hour, go take naps, and then go back out again for a little while. I hope that you enjoy it.
Congrats, as far as fixing it up you'll do great.You'll probably even have a little fun doing it along with a lot of not so much fun but that is what we put ourselves through as homeowners right? Did you get my e-mail? I need al your new (or not so new)info.
Wow Shelby, you said it was bad and I've seen bad, as you know, but that's pretty bad! i can't wait to see what you do to it! I know it will be amazing with your touch!
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