Sunday, May 9, 2010


My babies
I am surrounded everyday by so many fabulous moms (many of whom I try despeartely to emulate) and I got to thinking that some of you may not be aware of the qualities that I see in you and love you so much for. So here is a little Mothers Day love note from me to you:

Steffie- My dear sister became the crafty mom that I always thought I'D be! She has outshown me in craftiness and I love her children like they are my own.

Kimmie- Auntie Ki...With Peeps came a side of you I'm not sure I ever expected to see. We've found common ground with kids in a way that we didn't quite achieve with teaching. Now we talk Disneyland, Kids Boutiques, illnesses, lessons, AND all the regular stuff too. I feel like in motherhood we found each other, we have the same genetics, I'm not alone in my passions. :)

Tracy B- You work 100 hours a week and STILL find time to sword fight and bike ride and play dress up and bake and volunteer AND be a World-Class entrepreneur! I feel inadequate every time I read you FB posts. I'm just sayin'.

Keri B- YAY! a RELAXED mom! You make me feel like I can just be ME!!! You do the things that you are able to do and don't stress yourself over the things you aren't. And your children are exceptionally well-balanced and independent because of it! I LOVE that you know who you are as a mother and you don't try to be anyone else.

Carrie P- You are one of the SWEETEST women I know! You are infinitely, beyond words, patient. I know you don't think so, but you are. I always feel like you like me for who I am, not who I try to be.

Kim D- Is there anyone who constantly does so much for her children, and the community, as you do. You see a need and you don't just tell somebody about walk right in and fix it. You provide so much love for your boys by your actions. You make the world a better place for them and for the rest of us.

Diane- MOM! All I can say is, you were right.
About everything.
It kills me.

Happy Mothers Day Ladies!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My awesome kid!!

I totally can't believe this, but I got an amazing note forwarded from a girlfriend of mine. It is regarding Jakes baseball game last week. It was one of his best games ever! I was that totally ridiculous mom screaming "That's my kid!!" from the stands. A mom on the team we were playing against got some great videos of Jake and passed them on to my coach. The first video is an awesome double play that was nearly triple if it had been caught at home base. The second is a diving catch he made that was AWESOME! This is a special thanks to the mom from the other team who caught these on video and thought to pass them on to me! She titled the email : "Great plays by your 1st base player" Here is her message and the link to the videos.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby Sister gets a shower...not because she stinks!

Disclaimer - These pics are TOTALLY out of order...I am apparently so retarded that I can't seem to get them to move around, so please, just deal with it. And I say that in the nicest way possible. Really.

Last weekend was my baby sister Michelle's Bridal Shower Fete put on by the Bridesmaids, me & Stef. Stef and I are the creative, the Bridesmaids are the works very well for all of us. Here is a sneak peek at the event which turned out great.

My table decor. Birdies, cages, flowers, was a kind of vintage english garden "themeish" type event. It was fun to decorate for and the bonus is I now have cute decorations for the bridal salon. Sweet.
Cousins, cousins, cousins! All of the girlies had their own table together. Jordyn, Mandy, Kiernan, and Piper.
Here come the Bridesmaids...Ivana, Tierney, Michelle, Joanna, and Meg.
Here you have it...Four generations of Turk Women! I LOVE this picture!!!
The beautiful bride-to-be...I seriously CANNOT believe she's getting married! Stef and I both expected her to be the baby forever and come live with us to keep us from going crazy with our own families. While not a great scenario for her, it suited us quite nicely.
Stef and I hard at work. There's always enough time to strike a pose...
The gift table.
The "Dessert bar". Steffies cupcake fiesta, and Michelles favorite bundt size. We slaved away on the most ADORABLE sugar cookies that we decorated for the party favors and of course got NO pictures of them. And we were so proud of those stupid things too! You can see one on top of the bundt cake tree, it's a wedding dress.

Well, now that that party is over it's time to work on the BIG EVENT! I can't wait to see everything together on the big for the post. May 22nd, we come!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Retro blogging

I'm trying to get inspired by blogging again. In order to do that I am posting a few of the posts that people have told me are their favorites. Hope to enjoy the Coleman Family flash backs...

Disneyland How-To's
Princesses Don't Pick
My Kids Are Trying To Kill Me
The Anatomy of a Princess
Mini Van Momma and the Curse of the Caravan

Things to come...

I've been told, by no less than 3 people this week, that I need to get back into blogging. I think they're right. My dilemma however, is where to begin, since it has been so long. I'm thinking that my best bet is to just move forward from here...covering the last few months may be too overwhelming for me. So much has been going on.

So here is a preview of things to come...

Michelles bridal shower
Wedding prep for my sister
Jake and baseball
Any thing that Kiernan may do

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The gifts that keep on giving....

I just wanted to send Grandma Diane a big THANKS for the helicopter she got jake for Christmas...he's really enjoying it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

the best gifts...

Christmas gifts 2009

This is the view I get of my son all the time now...the top of his head. In the car, in the livingroom, in his bedroom, he's always looking down playing his new DS. I'll let him enjoy it until school starts...then I'll make a stand...

Meet Elizabeth. She is the newest member of our family, and the BEST Christmas present EVER...until she went into hibernation hours after Kiernan received her. Now she is represented by a box of dirt sitting on Kiernans dresser. And K now wants to know where HER DS is?

Cute huh?