Well, the summer is halfway over & we're beginning to see racks of binders and backpacks in our favorite stores *sigh* Really, what's the rush? Christmas is out at Halloween, Easter is out at valentines, ect...
This year I officially become a mother of school-aged children, no more babies, toddlers, or preschoolers in this house. Yikes! When did this happen? You know whats crazy about kids in school, sometimes I feel like I'm in elementary school too. It's frightening! For example, last year I was...kept after school by the teacher, called to principals office, contacted by the librarian for lost books, and had to do homework nearly every day (in reviewing homework you actually need to do the stinkin' problems to be sure they're right, gah!). Not only schoolwork-wise, but drama-wise as well. We had to deal with friends who were naughty, love notes to girls (sooo not kidding here), playground fights, friends who we didn't want in our "group", ect. Well, you get the gist....
So, here begins another year...
Apparently, my mother has a "new school year" tradition with the girls, they get a George. Yes, you read that right...they get, what we call in our family a "George". George would be my mothers hairdresser. Actually the familys hair dresser, my aunt, niece, & grandmother get "Georges" too. What's that? You want to know if I get a George? Hah! Not so much people. I do love George, but you need to know that my mother does enjoy the finer things in life. Georges SALON is downtown, trendy, pricey & awesome. Thus, I cannot afford it.
My mother scheduled the girls & I opted to go along as George is a bit trendy, and my child is FOUR. I'm sure you will all be so shocked by this, but Kiernan was in heaven! She loved every bit of it! The attention, the washing, the trimming, the GIANT mirrors where she posed & practiced "teen aged" facial expressions while she was being worked on. *shaking head in fear*
Thanks goodness I went along, my sister didn't, and her 8 year old daughter left with what my mother described to George as "a Victoria Beckham cut" & HIGHLIGHTS! She looked awesome, but WHOA! Here a some pics from the event, enjoy.
This year I officially become a mother of school-aged children, no more babies, toddlers, or preschoolers in this house. Yikes! When did this happen? You know whats crazy about kids in school, sometimes I feel like I'm in elementary school too. It's frightening! For example, last year I was...kept after school by the teacher, called to principals office, contacted by the librarian for lost books, and had to do homework nearly every day (in reviewing homework you actually need to do the stinkin' problems to be sure they're right, gah!). Not only schoolwork-wise, but drama-wise as well. We had to deal with friends who were naughty, love notes to girls (sooo not kidding here), playground fights, friends who we didn't want in our "group", ect. Well, you get the gist....
So, here begins another year...
Apparently, my mother has a "new school year" tradition with the girls, they get a George. Yes, you read that right...they get, what we call in our family a "George". George would be my mothers hairdresser. Actually the familys hair dresser, my aunt, niece, & grandmother get "Georges" too. What's that? You want to know if I get a George? Hah! Not so much people. I do love George, but you need to know that my mother does enjoy the finer things in life. Georges SALON is downtown, trendy, pricey & awesome. Thus, I cannot afford it.
My mother scheduled the girls & I opted to go along as George is a bit trendy, and my child is FOUR. I'm sure you will all be so shocked by this, but Kiernan was in heaven! She loved every bit of it! The attention, the washing, the trimming, the GIANT mirrors where she posed & practiced "teen aged" facial expressions while she was being worked on. *shaking head in fear*
Thanks goodness I went along, my sister didn't, and her 8 year old daughter left with what my mother described to George as "a Victoria Beckham cut" & HIGHLIGHTS! She looked awesome, but WHOA! Here a some pics from the event, enjoy.
Here is the salon, it's on the second floor of the tallest building in Fresno, now loaded with high-end condos...in the middle of the ghetto. I wanted to wash myself after walking up from the parking garage.
'Nuf said.
Here's our George. Melanies quote after I texted her a pic was "Scary"
The princess on her throne. Here is where she mugged in the mirror. My mom & I just sat and watched her practice posing & expressions with no concern for anyone around her.
How she felt about the experience...
Here's how Jacob felt about the experience...
The final products & our George (how about those earlobe gages & the lip piercing?). The sweetest guy, and part of the family.
I love her hair! what a fun tradition and Jakes' expression is great. Such a boy!
I didn't even notice jake in the pic until I read Mindy's comment. That is so funny! You made him go to that? You're so mean! kidding! Did he want his hair cut too?
Cute haircuts! I want a George!!
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