Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My awesome kid!!

I totally can't believe this, but I got an amazing note forwarded from a girlfriend of mine. It is regarding Jakes baseball game last week. It was one of his best games ever! I was that totally ridiculous mom screaming "That's my kid!!" from the stands. A mom on the team we were playing against got some great videos of Jake and passed them on to my coach. The first video is an awesome double play that was nearly triple if it had been caught at home base. The second is a diving catch he made that was AWESOME! This is a special thanks to the mom from the other team who caught these on video and thought to pass them on to me! She titled the email : "Great plays by your 1st base player" Here is her message and the link to the videos.


Melanie Rossi said...

That's awesome!!! I bet you were such a proud mama!!!!

Amber Staub said...

What a great ball player!! I can't see him very well in the video but he looks so tall. Have fun with the baseball season.