So I noticed a few weeks ago that Kiernans grown up teeth came in BEHIND her baby teeth. Hmm, that can't be good since her baby teeth weren't remotely loose. I called the dentist to inquire and they confirmed my suspicions, "Bring her in, they'll have to be pulled." EWW.
I wanted Mike to do it, but he's really busy at work this week, so it was up to me. We went in and they took us right back, I guess they didn't want to give us time to change our mind. Kiernan was a total trooper, although the laughing gas may have helped a bit. It's actually a little nose mask that looked hilarious, and sure enough after a few minutes that child was feeling no pain! The Dr asked me to hold her hands which meant I would be right on top of the problem, I'll just look away. As soon as the GIANT clamp for the little teeth came out I turned my head and BOOM...A MIRROR!! *look away, look away, look away* Boom...ANOTHER mirror! *close your eyes, CLOSE THEM!* *peeking* EWWWWWW, Eww, Eww, Eww! Twist, turn, yank....POP!

We went in to have two pulled, but the dentist decided to pull FOUR because her mouth was so crowded. She never cried, whined, or fussed...amazing! I wish I could say the same for me. While SERIOUSLY grossed out, I was commended by the Dr. for not fainting...apparently it happens a lot.
Here she is before and after (remember, my camera sucks), as well as going through the treasure chest for being so good. While the treasure chest is a nice treat, trauma like that deserves a trip to Target! She got a puppy dog & I felt much better.
1 comment:
I have been looking forever to find something like this! Great idea and I must say, it works great.
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