My babies

Steffie- My dear sister became the crafty mom that I always thought I'D be! She has outshown me in craftiness and I love her children like they are my own.
Kimmie- Auntie Ki...With Peeps came a side of you I'm not sure I ever expected to see. We've found common ground with kids in a way that we didn't quite achieve with teaching. Now we talk Disneyland, Kids Boutiques, illnesses, lessons, AND all the regular stuff too. I feel like in motherhood we found each other, we have the same genetics, I'm not alone in my passions. :)
Tracy B- You work 100 hours a week and STILL find time to sword fight and bike ride and play dress up and bake and volunteer AND be a World-Class entrepreneur! I feel inadequate every time I read you FB posts. I'm just sayin'.
Keri B- YAY! a RELAXED mom! You make me feel like I can just be ME!!! You do the things that you are able to do and don't stress yourself over the things you aren't. And your children are exceptionally well-balanced and independent because of it! I LOVE that you know who you are as a mother and you don't try to be anyone else.
Carrie P- You are one of the SWEETEST women I know! You are infinitely, beyond words, patient. I know you don't think so, but you are. I always feel like you like me for who I am, not who I try to be.
Kim D- Is there anyone who constantly does so much for her children, and the community, as you do. You see a need and you don't just tell somebody about walk right in and fix it. You provide so much love for your boys by your actions. You make the world a better place for them and for the rest of us.
Diane- MOM! All I can say is, you were right.
About everything.
It kills me.
Happy Mothers Day Ladies!
Happy Mothers Day Ladies!